Make videos or make presentations using library objects and free templates. Add your own images, sounds and video clips.


Intuitive controls let you easily edit, view, update, rename, describe, copy, delete and restore your videos and presentations.


Share your videos with everyone, download them for offline use or publish them to YouTube, Facebook or the free Moovly Gallery.

All rights reserved Copyright © 2016 Moovly

These great orginizations choose Moovly as their animation solution

Create Animated Videos and Presentations 


Engage, explain, sell and teach using video animation

Thanks to Moovly's extensive object libraries and the easy drag-and-drop interface you can create high-quality animated videos in no time at low budgets.
Let's get started!

Create Animated Videos and Presentations 

Engage, explain, sell and teach using video animation

Start Now!

Make Animated Videos Like a Pro

All rights reserved Copyright © 2016 Moovly

All the graphic elements used on this page are readily available from Moovly's clean graphic library. Take advatange of them in your video!

Get creative this thanksgiving and impress your friends and family with a fully customised holiday video using Moovly's easy drag-and-drop interface.

Make a Thanksgiving holiday animation with Moovly!

Moovly is also available on the App Store!

Capture pictures, videos and sound straight from your phone and add them directly to your Thanksgiving video.

It's so easy even your Grandfather can do it!

Drag and Drop

All You Need is a Browser

Create Videos in Minutes

Create yours now!

Impress your friends and family with a fully customised holiday video using Moovly's easy drag-and-drop interface.

Make a Thanksgiving's holiday animation with Moovly!

Make a Thanksgiving's holiday animation with Moovly!

Impress your friends and family with a fully customised holiday video using Moovly's easy drag-and-drop interface.

Impress your friends and family with a fully customised holiday video using Moovly's easy drag-and-drop interface.

Get started now!

Drag and Drop

All You Need is a Browser

Create Videos in Minutes


Make videos or make presentations using library objects and free templates. Add your own images, sounds and video clips.


Intuitive controls let you easily edit, view, update, rename, describe, copy, delete and restore your videos and presentations.


Share your videos with everyone, download them for offline use or publish them to YouTube, Facebook or the free Moovly Gallery.

Make Animated Videos Like a Pro

All the graphic elements used on this page are readily available from Moovly's clean graphic library. Take advatange of them in your video!

Moovly is also available on the App Store!

Capture pictures, videos and sound straight from your phone and add them directly to your Thanksgiving video.

Moovly is also available on the App Store!

Capture pictures, videos and sound straight from your phone and add them directly to your Thanksgiving video.

Moovly is also available on the App Store!

Capture pictures, videos and sound straight from your phone and add them directly to your Thanksgiving video.